ComboUniversity Certification Courses

Want to enhance your knowledge of ComboCurve?

Take a look at our available virtual courses lead by ComboCurve Experts, and earn your certification at your own pace.

Available Courses

Emissions Quantification with ComboCarbon

Key Takeaways
  • How to quantify emissions and the impact that various reduction scenarios will have on KPIs using ComboCurve's Carbon module
Who Should Attend
  • Reservoir engineers, production engineers, operations engineers, sustainability engineers, anyone making asset development decisions.
Next Course Coming Soon!
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CC for Reserves

Key Takeaways
  • Update, compare, and quantify forecast changes
  • Generate type curves for undeveloped locations based on existing PDP wells
  • Generate schedules for future locations
  • Run economics to determine optimal development of future locations
  • Run sensitivities to quantify risk to reserves valuation
Who Should Attend
  • Reservoir engineers, petroleum engineers, and anybody looking to gain knowledge of reserves workflows.
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Deal Evaluation

Key Takeaways
  • Learn how to evaluate a potential acquisition and recommend a bid price incorporating various economic sensitivities
Who Should Attend
  • Reservoir engineers, business analysts, petroleum engineers.
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CC for Production Engineers

Key Takeaways
  • How to identify workover candidates
  • Utilize ComboCurves modular and incremental economics to do workover evaluation
Who Should Attend
  • Production engineers, reservoir engineers, operations engineers, anybody who wants to perform workover evaluations in CC.
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CC for Non Engineers

Key Takeaways
  • How to update inputs such as ownership, pricing, expense models in combocurve, and generate reports and extract end results from ComboCurve
Who Should Attend
  • Business analysts, land personnel, reservoir techs, anybody who uses ComboCurve as a collaboration tool to share data with their engineering teammates.
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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Professionals who already use ComboCurve
  • Students in a Petroleum/ Reservoir engineering program

A person who is ComboCurve certified has completed a ComboCurve trainer led course, giving the user the knowledge to complete the course workflow accurately within ComboCurve.

  • Bi-yearly webinar sessions for each certification course for ComboCurve users (professionals)
  • Current students can get certified on campus during in person trainings when available
  • Virtual Certification for students occur once each semester

The instructor led component duration is 30 – 120 minutes depending on the course, with the subsequent self-led component taking 4-8 hours. There is a two-week window to complete each course.

All certifications expire after one year automatically.

No, they get access to the Certification environment for a limited time with synthetic data provided by ComboCurve.

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Certification Questions?

Reach out to us with questions about certifications or in-person availability.

Contact Us

CC for Reserves

Deal Evaluation


CC for Production Engineers

Non Engineers

Questions about a certification or in-person availability? Let us know!