Running large well analyses in Aries can take up to 48 hours each time you hit run. With ComboCurve, those same processes usually take less than ten minutes, and you can share that information in minutes, not hours.

Lightning-Fast Accuracy and Everything in One Platform

Accuracy is the backbone of reserves. ComboCurve has the energy industry’s fastest analysis engine, and more than that, it has industry-leading accuracy. Millions of wells are being evaluated with our cutting-edge proximity technology each year.

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Processes Run in <10 Minutes

Run more scenarios and optimize resources in a fraction of the time.

Lower Error

An auto-forecasting engine with more control for more accuracy.

Maintain Continuity

Easily perform peer reviews with a direct line of sight into analyses.

Simple, Configurable Sharing

Share analyses and configure tailored PDF reporting in just a few clicks.

Find Out How Operators Use ComboCurve as Their One-Stop Reserves Platform

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ComboCarbon: The Industry’s Only Integrated Emissions Economics Engine

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Don’t Overspend on Tracking and Reporting

Integrated tracking and reporting quickly identifies how the engineering plan impacts return on capital.

Operationalized Power

Manage the environmental impact of reserves in tandem with other reserves workflows for a comprehensive view of all the economics.

Use a Type Curve Powerhouse

From March to August 2023, 4.4 million type curves were generated using ComboCurve.

Trusted by the industry’s best.