Archives Case Studies
Discover what you can accomplish with ComboCurve.
ComboCurve Helps Cawley, Gillespie & Associates Win New Business
Case Study
Cawley, Gillespie & Associates (CGA) needed a software solution to manage large volumes of well data accurately and efficiently and execute complex analyses. The key requirement was a tool that could enhance operational efficiency, promote real-time collaboration among team members, and expand CGA's service offerings.
How EQT Used ComboCurve Automation to Save Engineers Time and Stress
Case Study
EQT came to ComboCurve for an intuitive forecasting and reserves solution it could scale without adding significantly more horsepower and headcount. The Reserves team wanted to employ automation statistics and ensure uniformity in its forecasting workflows.
Caliber Resource Partners Maximizes A&D Efficiency with ComboCurve
Case Study
Caliber Resource Partners realized the potential of ComboCurve in its first year. ComboCurve, an all-in-one A&D tool, combines features like auto-forecasting, collaboration, link-sharing, and bi-directionality in one cloud-based software.