Live A&D Panel

We hosted Todd Brooker, President of CG&A, Thomas Belsha, CTO of Grenadier Energy, Leslie Armentrout, CEO at Silver Cross Energy Partners, and Tim Pawul, President of Minerals and Royalties Authority for a Panel on technology and how it's affecting A&D. Watch here!

The Future of O&G A&D: Speed Matters

The oil and gas acquisitions and divestitures market has been heating up ever since major industry mergers and acquisitions dominated headlines in 2023. Energy production is at record-high levels, and the industry is seeing an unprecedented number of deals. To stay competitive in A&D, analysts need the ability to make quick, data-driven decisions. This is where ComboCurve is transforming the game. Advanced analytics and industry-leading speed will be the future baseline for A&D deal making.

Oil and Gas A&D: Rapid Evaluation and Going Beyond Speed

In the lightning-fast world of acquisitions and divestitures (A&D), time is the ultimate competitive advantage. For A&D firms, the ability to evaluate deals rapidly and accurately is not just a benefit—it's the difference between a major win or losing out to the competition. This is why deal closers are turning to ComboCurve’s advanced auto-forecasting engine and all-in-one data management to get an edge in deal making.  

Caliber’s Success with ComboCurve: The Definitive A&D Tool

A&D tools that enable quicker decisions with greater precision are true catalysts for growth, shedding light on why ComboCurve has swiftly gained traction as Energy’s A&D tool of choice.